Add a knowledge base, as part of the Support Manager plugin.
Staff Area
Under Support, add a link called "Knowledge Base" which will display categories and articles and allow the creation of each.
- Parent Category ("Top Level" by default, dropdown show "Top Level" and all other categories)
- Name (Enter a name for the category, text input field, allow to be specified in each language)
- Description (Optionally enter a description for the category, text area, markdown or HTML radio option, then display text area or WYSYWYG editor)
- Permissions (Public access, default, or clients only. Radio option may be best)
Articles can be created by navigating into a category as displayed under Support > Knowledge Base, or by clicking a "Create Article" button on the upper-right of this page.
- Name (Enter a name for the article, text input field)
- Category (Drop-down, nested categories are tabbed in with hyphens --. Add a link next to the drop down called "Add Category" that will add an additional drop down to select another category. If entering from a category, pre-select the category)
- Markdown or HTML? Radio option, default to Markdown but allow HTML to be selected. If Markdown is selected, display a text-area for the article. If HTML is selected, display the WYSIWYG editor. Tab this section out exactly like Package Welcome Email by language so that the article can be created in all installed languages.
- Permissions (Public access, default, or clients only. Radio option may be best This would only override the category permission if the category is public. Unauthenticated users cannot see public articles inside client only categories)
Tracking: Track article views and allow them to be rated (Up vote or down vote, 1 vote per session)
Client / Portal Area
Create a new front facing portal page and portal box that goes to the Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base will be structured as follows:
- Search box at the top to search for articles
- Browse Articles by Category
- Most Popular Articles
- The title of an article should be accessible in the URL for SEO purposes, limited to X characters, spaces replaced with hyphens. Open to further debate.
Users will be able to view and rate articles on a 5-star rating system.
Issue Links
- blocks
CORE-1492 Portal: Update main portal page to include Support Knowledge Base
- Closed
FYI, I updated this to change:
1. Misspelling of the "support_kb_categories" table
2. Made support_kb_cateogries.description optional (default null)
3. Made support_kb_articles.access default to 'public'
4. Added field: support_kb_article_content.content_type (enum, 'text' or 'html', default 'text')