|  | CORE-1548 | Saving existing package options dereferences them from existing services | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1543 | Billing contacts receive multiple invoice due emails | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1553 | Unchecking all Automation tasks fails to disable them | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1559 | Invoice PDFs may not be displayed in the client's language | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1560 | Billing Overview: Graph name language definition is not escaped when rendering graphs | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1552 | Universal Module: Service label may use the field value rather than field name | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1565 | Updating a package with no groups selected does not save them | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1566 | Universal Module: Package name is used as the service name when one is not otherwise determined | Tyson Phillips | Closed |