When checking out as a client to purchase a Minecraft server, the Package allows the following options to be defined that can be checked and set by the client during checkout, or just set on the Package:
Server Jar File: server.jar
Server Version: latest
If the box next to these options on the package is not checked, then they do not appear to the client during checkout. However, the client is unable to checkout in that case and gets the following error:
The Server Jar File field is required.
The Server Jar File field must match the regex /^([\w\d._-]+)(\.jar)$/.
The Server Version field is required.
The Server Version field must contain a string.
The Server Version field must contain a value between 3 and 15.
This may be the case for other games (Nest) and Eggs for other fields, that may be defined only on the Package or overridden by the client. If the field does not appear, it does not use the Package setting and will not let you continue with checkout.