New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Duplicate
Affects Version/s: 4.12.0
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Staff Interface
Sometimes staff add services to Blesta that existed in another system or otherwise need to have their start date back-dated. Allow staff to change the start date.
When clicking to Manage a service, add a new item to the Actions dropdown called "Change Date Created" after "Change Renew Date". It should work similarly to Change Renew Date except that there is just the date field with calendar, no Prorate or Use module options. Validate that the date provided is older than both Date Renews and Renew Date. Updating of the date happens internal to Blesta. This field is used for essentially nothing, other than display.
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Rank | Ranked higher |
Rank | Ranked lower |
Description | Sometimes staff add services to Blesta that existed in another system or otherwise need to have their start date back-dated. Allow staff to change the start date. How this appears and whether it should appear after the service has been added or also at creation requires some discussion. |
Sometimes staff add services to Blesta that existed in another system or otherwise need to have their start date back-dated. Allow staff to change the start date.
When clicking to Manage a service, add a new item to the Actions dropdown called "Change Date Created" after "Change Renew Date". It should work similarly to Change Renew Date except that there is just the date field with calendar, no Prorate or Use module options. Validate that the date provided is older than both Date Renews and Renew Date. Updating of the date happens internal to Blesta. This field is used for essentially nothing, other than display. |
Fix Version/s | 5.12.0-b1 [ 12000 ] | |
Fix Version/s | Short Term [ 10800 ] |
Rank | Ranked higher |
Rank | Ranked lower |
Fix Version/s | 5.12.0-b1 [ 12000 ] |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Closed [ 6 ] |
Resolution | Duplicate [ 3 ] |
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