Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 3.2.0
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Modules
For XenPV and OpenVZ (double check this will work for OpenVZ) display the following message above the table and below the word "Console" in an information box:
The following connection details may be used in any local SSH client. For windows you can download a free copy of Putty (link to putty) or for Mac or Linux, open a terminal and use "ssh console-username@solusvm-node-ip-address -p 22"
Then, add 2 new fields to the top of the table:
Address should show the IP address of the node. Port should be the node's SSH port, normally 22 but it may have been changed so pull the details from the API if possible.
Also, add a message above the java console:
An alternative Java based console is also available, however recent java updates may prevent the console from functioning.
Below the message, display a button – center aligned with the text "Java Console". Clicking the button toggles the display of the Java console, which is not displayed by default.
This more closely mirrors the console section within the client area of SolusVM.
There should be some kind of setting for whether to display this or not. This could be a Package option, module setting, or perhaps as part of CORE-2900 though if part of CORE-2900 it would likely need to be on its own tab.