When a user signs up with Maxmind's minfraud service, they have to ask Maxmind to enable the "legacy API" for it to work with Blesta. We need to switch Maxmind over to using the new API. Perhaps there should be an option as to which API (defaulting to the latest) when configuring Maxmind within the Order Settings for backwards compatibility.
See (PHP API Library here also)
In implementing this, maybe we should add it as a new type since we want to maintain backwards compatibility. Maybe just rename the old one "Maxmind (Legacy)".
The old API had 2 tiers: Standard and Premium. The new API has two tiers also, called Insights and Factors. One providers more information than the other and has a higher query cost. We should allow in the Settings for staff to select which tier they prefer to use.
Maxmind also has a static Javascript embed code that can be added to order forms and providers additional tracking data for determining risk. There should be an option in the settings on whether to embed this in the order pages or not.
MaxMind is planning to deactivate their legacy APIs at the end of May 2022.
Development API Credentials available in Feng.