Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 4.12.0-b1
Component/s: None
Basic Information
- Name - Text field [The display name of the module]
- Description - Textarea field [The description shown in the module listing]
- Logo image (optional w/ default image) - File field [The logo displayed in the module listing]
- Authors - Table
- Author Name - Text field [The name of the individual or organization involved in creating this module]
- Author URL - Text field [The full URL to the author's website (e.g.]
- Module row singular name - Text field w/ placeholder "(e.g. Server)" [The term by which to refer to a single module row for this module]
- Module row plural name - Text field w/ placeholder "(e.g. Servers)" [The term by which to refer to multiple module rows for this module]
Module Fields
- Module row fields (optional) - Table
- Consider tabbing this section for row/package/service
- Name - Text field [The back-end name for this field]
- Label - Text field [The display name for this field]
- Type - Dropdown field (Text, Textarea, Checkbox). We should add Dropdown and Radio as well, but those are more complicated
- Tooltip - Small Textarea field [The text of a tooltip to attach to this field]
- Package fields - Table (optional)
- Name - Text field [The back-end name for this field]
- Label - Text field [The display name for this field]
- Type - Dropdown field (Text, Textarea, Checkbox). We should add Dropdown and Radio as well, but those are more complicated
- Tooltip - Small Textarea field [The text of a tooltip to attach to this field]
- Service fields - Table (optional)
- Name - Text field [The back-end name for this field]
- Label - Text field [The display name for this field]
- Type - Dropdown field (Text, Textarea, Checkbox). We should add Dropdown and Radio as well, but those are more complicated
- Tooltip - Small Textarea field [The text of a tooltip to attach to this field]
Additional Features
- Service Management Tabs - Table (optional)
- Method Name - Text field [The name to assign this tab's module method]
- Label - Text field [The display name for this tab]
- Level - Drop-down (Client or Admin) [The interface in which to display this tab]
- Cron Tasks - Table (optional)
- Name - Text field [The back-end name for this cron task]
- Label - Text field [The display name for this cron task]
- Description - Textarea field [The description shown in the cron task listing]
- Type - Drop-down field [The type of cron task this is ("time" or "interval" based)]
- Start Time/Interval - Text field [The time to run the daily cron task in hh:mm format or the interval in minutes between cron task runs]
- Optional functions (checkboxes)
- This should be an expandable section, hidden by default.
- The following should be checked by default: cancelService, suspendService, unsuspendService, renewService, addPackage, editPackage, deletePackage, addModuleRow, editModuleRow, manageAddRow, manageEditRow
- The following should be unchecked by default: getGroupOrderOptions, selectModuleRow, getAdminServiceInfo, getClientServiceInfo
- It may be helpful to have a tooltip for each of these functions
Make add a field for language code a well to set the directory name for the language files.
While I don't think we should specify Validation rules here, I think we should automatically add validation rules for each defined field (with the rules simply being true)