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  1. Blesta Core
  2. CORE-5345

Logicboxes: Replace field domain-name with domain so that it is the same as all other registrars



      I believe the standard field name for domain registrar modules is to use "domain" for the domain name. Logicboxes uses domain-name instead. This causes a few problems, but the primary is that it is impossible to add the domain as an admin.

      If you add a domain using the [+] add domain option in the domains widget using Logicboxes, when you get to the final step you will receive an error: Required parameter missing: domain-name

      I believe this is because the search box on the 1st step, which checks domain availability for register or transfer, so by the final step we don't have domain-name, we have domain.

      I think we should update the domain-name field to domain so that it is consistent and to resolve the above issue. The question is how do we deal with existing domains that use the domain-name field?

      Do we:

      • Run a migration and replace all service fields in the database with a key of domain-name with domain?
      • Do we add an exception when fetching the domain to fall back to domain-name? Essentially, if domain does not exist, $domain = $domain-name.

      Or do we do both?


        admin Paul Phillips created issue -
        admin Paul Phillips made changes -
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        admin Paul Phillips made changes -
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          • Assignee:
            admin Paul Phillips
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