New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 3.2.0-b1
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Company settings should be added to allow a staff member to specify any number of custom CSS files and Javascript files to load into the structure.
We can cache the results so that performance is maximized.
Stylesheet: /app/view/client/default/css/ [ — name of CSS file here — ]
Javascript: /app/view/client/default/javascript/ [ — name of javascript file here — ]
Alternatively, (and perhaps a much better solution) we could allow the ability to specify the full URL to the file, which would allow users to pull javascript/css from some central repository (e.g. google code), etc.
Putting more thought into this. Perhaps it should just be a header input textarea nd a footer input textarea where custom HTML can be speicfied.
This should be included as options under the new settings section described in