Version 3.2.1


Start date not set

Released: 25/Jun/14

Release Notes

Patch ReleaseShow more
BlockerBugCORE-1236Hide labels for hidden service fieldsTyson PhillipsClosed
BlockerBugCORE-1246Order: The default order form breaks if the label is changed afterwardCody PhillipsClosed
BlockerBugCORE-1266Order Plugin: Hide labels for hidden service fieldsTyson PhillipsClosed
CriticalBugCORE-1301Invoice recurring amount may not consider applicable taxes and setup fees properly for servicesTyson PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1238Support Manager: MimeMailParser to string conversion on ticket replyTyson PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1242Order Plugin: Standard template breaks design when a coupon is appliedCody PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1243Order: Fails to set recurring non-merchant payment details to gatewaysTyson PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1244Invoice image changes are not saved on Invoice Customization pageTyson PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1256SolusVM: VNC applet uses wrong code attribute valueCody PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1268Order Plugin: Coupons may not get applied on order form after selecting addonsTyson PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1283GoGetSSL: Approval email addresses do not load on order forms of the AJAX typeTyson PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1284Upgrade trigger invalid callback errorCody PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1285TheSSLStore: Approval email addresses do not load on order forms of the AJAX typeTyson PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1288Update client payment permissionsCody PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1298Custom fields not visible to clients if not allowed to set languageTyson PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1302Upgrade to v3.2 from v3.0 causes SQL errorTyson PhillipsClosed
MajorBugCORE-1303Recurring invoices without a delivery method are not generatedTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1079Unable to add multiple client phone numbers of the same type/location through FirefoxTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1239Calendar may pop up Create Event dialogue when clicking anywhere on the calendarTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1240Updating phone numbers adds a duplicate number and prevents their deletionTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1258Billing Overview: Overdue balance does not consider partial paymentsTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1261LogicBoxes: Orders placed requiring manual review may cause a "Website doesn't exist..." errorTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1262LogicBoxes: Fetch the order-id if not set when editing a serviceTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1264Order Plugin: Payments by non-merchant gateway does not delay properlyTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1271Checkboxes saved incorrectly when adding client groupTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1278Client currency field is limited by the number of results per pageTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1279Order Plugin: Registration form limits currency field by results per pageTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1280Interworx: Update to encrypt username on service creationTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1281Interworx: Stats tab may not load if the module response is invalidTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1295Interworx: Debug logging occurs on API error when disabledTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1299GoGetSSL: AJAX Order template loading overlay may become opaqueTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1300VPS.NET: AJAX Order template loading overlay may become opaqueTyson PhillipsClosed
MinorBugCORE-1309cPanel: Cannot update service information only locallyTyson PhillipsClosed
TrivialBugCORE-1235Closed invoices display two View options in the client interfaceTyson PhillipsClosed
TrivialImprovementCORE-1245Update Client Phone number drop-down language for sreaderTyson PhillipsClosed
TrivialBugCORE-1254Calling Countries::edit() can lead to an alpha3 error for 'in_use'Tyson PhillipsClosed
TrivialBugCORE-1273Cron log shows error message on success for service renewalsTyson PhillipsClosed
TrivialBugCORE-1286TheSSLStore: AJAX Order template loading overlay may become opaqueTyson PhillipsClosed
TrivialBugCORE-1306Missing zebra-striping on invoice list shown when editing a transactionTyson PhillipsClosed
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