New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 3.3.0-b1
Component/s: None
Add support for proration on the package level. There should be options for the day to prorate to and an optional field for a cutoff day.
This will only be available to month and year pricing periods.
Tooltip Text
Pro rata enable checkbox text: Pro rata allows a specific day of the month to be set for the renewal of services created with this package. Only monthly and yearly periods will be affected by this option.
Pro rata day text: The day of the month this service will be set to renew when ordered.
Pro rata cutoff day text: Initial orders placed on or before this day of the month will be charged only for the partial month ending on the next occurring pro rata day. Orders placed after this day will be charged for the partial month and the subsequent service term.