|  | CORE-1487 | Billing Overview: Graph end dates may be incorrect depending on timezone | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1390 | Invoice line item service renew date may be incorrect after renewal | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1482 | Invoices with no amount due are not automatically closed by cron | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1484 | A service's last renew date does not get updated on renewal | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1500 | Service renewals are not processed through their module | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1501 | Activating a pending service does not use module | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1503 | ModuleClientMeta set fails to set default value for encrypted | Cody Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1486 | PluginManager::getAction does not fetch options | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1498 | Plugin form submissions without a valid CSRF token cause missing file error | Cody Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1497 | Site logo on 404 links to the same 404 page | Tyson Phillips | Closed |