|  | CORE-1701 | Remove logins via user ID | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1877 | Support Manager: Empty email body creates zombie ticket | Unassigned | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1942 | Adding a company does not maintain setting inheritance | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2074 | Support Manager: Tickets emailed in may fail to be added if one has an invalid from address | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2094 | Add option to log email or not | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2113 | Order: Domain availability checks may use incorrect TLD to determine pricing | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2166 | Remove automatic login forwarding to login pages | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2008 | Multicraft: Support version 2 of the API | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-621 | Mass mailer plugin | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1108 | Updated Google Finance exchange rate processor | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1207 | GUI Installer: Add an option to refresh the requirements check page | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1228 | Add an "In Review" dialog at the top of the client area dashboard | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1251 | Order: If GeoIP is enabled, preselect country and state/province fields | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1483 | Remove extraneous zeros when formatting tax rates for display | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1654 | Add ability to bulk void invoices on client profile | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1773 | Pricing shown when managing a service may be non-zero when unchanged | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1826 | Order: Update reCaptcha to version 2 | Unassigned | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1838 | Refresh admin theme | Paul Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1842 | Convert CSS to SASS | Cody Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1844 | Allow theme options to be blank or 'transparent' | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1845 | Update graphing library | Unassigned | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1846 | Updated to minPHP 1.0 | Cody Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1867 | Enom module: Rename API Key to Password | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1887 | Update client profile contact box | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1888 | Update staff footer | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1889 | Update settings left panel | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1890 | Invoice "Save as Draft" button should use btn_default | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1891 | Remove background gradient from all table headings in the staff area | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1892 | Update staff search box | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1893 | Update staff calendar | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1894 | Update staff area fonts | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1899 | Update Blesta logo in admin area to use SVG version | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1900 | Create new admin theme, set as default | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1905 | Order: Update order emails to only be sent to active staff | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1906 | Fix icon sizes on client profile page | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1910 | Center footer content and add logo | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1913 | Remove top border-radius from client profile detail box | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1914 | Improve the standard staff actions section | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1915 | Improve the look of plugins, modules, and gateway listings | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1916 | Update navigation tabs to use solid colors | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1917 | Update panel section heading styles | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1931 | Use subnav font color for default bookmark star icon | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1932 | Increase font size of quick link icon | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1933 | Remove top border from client profile detail box | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1934 | Update calendar icon font size globally | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1937 | Order: Invalid redirect to /checkout/cart results in 404 page | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1938 | Update sticky note background image | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1939 | Feed Reader: Improve feed list styling | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1941 | Update widget buttons globally | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1961 | SolusVM - Allow base IP quantity to be set for the Package | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1962 | Show reference ID in transactions listings | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1964 | Order: Float order summary box on order forms | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1965 | Order: Add variable for IP address for staff order received email templates | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1967 | Multicraft: Unable to order a service if owner cannot set server name | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1968 | Update Blesta logo in client area to use SVG version | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1969 | Swap the client area nav and title areas | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1970 | Update client area contact box | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1971 | Remove background gradients from table headings in the client area | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1972 | Create a new client theme, set as default | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1973 | Display client nav on unauthenticated pages | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1974 | Add client area link to available order forms | Cody Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1975 | Maintain primary nav text hover color when selecting child sub-nav item | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1993 | Always display a record payment option when making payment for a client | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1994 | Add a make payment button to transactions widget on client profile | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2005 | Define brand colors in Sass | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2007 | Order: Add password forgot link to order form login screenOR | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2009 | Custom Reports with 'Select' field options duplicate | Cody Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2012 | Order: ReCaptcha does not appear on order forms any longer | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2037 | Client Documents: Update widget buttons | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2038 | Feed Reader: Update widget buttons | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2039 | Order: Update widget buttons | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2040 | Support Manager: Update widget buttons | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2042 | Increase modal title sizes | Cody Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2043 | Convert Test These Settings to buttons | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2044 | System Overview: Replace graphs with nvd3 | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2045 | Billing Overview: Replaced graphs with nvd3 | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2046 | System Status: Replace status graph | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2047 | Include nvd3 library | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2048 | Increase size of install button in installer | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2049 | Add SVG logo to installer | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2051 | Add global graph language | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2052 | System Overview: Graph data fetched using local rather than UTC time | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2054 | System Overview: Style graph axis | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2055 | System Overview: Decrease y-axis white-space | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2060 | System Overview: Update graph JS load order | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2061 | Billing Overview: Show revenue from multiple sources | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2062 | Multicraft: Force port 25565 for dedicated IP addresses | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2063 | Order: Remove AreYouAHuman Human Verification option | Unassigned | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2069 | Date Received when recording a payment should be in local time | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2070 | Update nvd3 to latest version - v1.8.2 | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2072 | AuthorizeNet: Save last 4 of card in reference ID for CIM | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2073 | SystemOverview: Set 'Total' label for graphs | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2075 | Mass Mailer: Create plugin | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2076 | Mass Mailer: Add Mass Mailer under Tools in navigation | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2080 | Mass Mailer: Add logo | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2081 | Mass Mailer: Add client filtering options | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2082 | Convert staff sub-nav into a drop down menu | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2083 | Mass Mailer: Add service filtering options | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2084 | Mass Mailer: Add email composition fields | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2085 | Mass Mailer: Retrieve clients to email from filtering options | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2086 | Mass Mailer: Add service status filter | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2087 | Mass Mailer: Add export to CSV | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2088 | Mass Mailer: Add compose email page | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2090 | Mass Mailer: Add preview page | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2092 | Mass Mailer: Add permissions for the filter/compose pages | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2096 | Order: Update ReCaptcha from v1.0 to v2.0 | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2098 | DirectAdmin: Using a server group on the package may fail to retrieve a module row | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2099 | Interworx: Using a server group on the package may fail to retrieve a module row | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2110 | Mass Mailer: Update installer | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2111 | Mass Mailer: Save mailing jobs | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2114 | Mass Mailer: Add cron jobs | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2115 | Mass Mailer: Export mailing job via cron | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2116 | Mass Mailer: Send mass mail | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2117 | Mass Mailer: Add mailing job listing page | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2118 | MassMailer: Add tags to compose email page | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2120 | Combine Installed/Available Gateways | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2121 | Combined Installed/Available Modules | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2122 | Combine Installed/Available Plugins | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2124 | Mass Mailer: Add option to log emails | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2125 | Mass Mailer: Set export file open-mode to write/append based on status | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2126 | Mass Mailer: Add message when no mailing jobs exist | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2127 | Mass Mailer: Set background color on HTML preview | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2128 | Mass Mailer: Show column for type on listing page | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2129 | Mass Mailer: Missing style in job table expandable area | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2130 | Mass Mailer: Use icons for type on mailer job listing | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2132 | Mass Mailer: Move tags below email editor and reformat | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2133 | Email: If html is provided, but no text version, convert from html | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2134 | Mass Mailer: Do not require Text version of email | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2136 | Update UI for staff login, 2fa, and password reset pages | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2137 | Update admin UI to include bootstrap grid | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2139 | cPanel: Add server group add order to evenly distribute accounts | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2140 | DirectAdmin: Add server group add order to evenly distribute account | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2141 | Interworx: Add server group add order to evenly distribute accounts | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2142 | Mass Mailer: Display content submitted on compose page after error | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2147 | Fix staff UI use of the 'row' class overridden by bootstrap | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2149 | Auto-debit may occur for invoices on wrong day | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2150 | Client search only shows first page of results | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2151 | Missing pagination on search pages | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2152 | Support Manager: Ticket search pagination link is invalid | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2153 | Stripe: Stripe_AuthenticationError exception used as array instead of object | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2161 | Cron can renew services when not all invoices are paid | Unassigned | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2162 | Change the language of some staff sub-nav links | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2163 | Stripe: Voiding transaction does not refund the payment | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2164 | Add Service menu may list packages under wrong group | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2165 | Staff login license validation error uses old message template | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2168 | base_uri not set outside of portal | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2169 | Allow action links to specify base URI | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2170 | Plugin Manager should only attempt to insert valid fields for actions and events | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2171 | list-group-item border is being overwritten | Unassigned | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2172 | list-group-item border is overwritten to none | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2173 | title class contains left float | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2176 | Support Manager: Tickets may not auto-close | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2178 | PostalMethods not encoding special characters in XML | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2179 | Recording payment does not allow for "," as decimal separator | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2180 | Enom: Managing name servers may cause fatal error if only one nameserver is returned by the API | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2181 | Undefined index 'coupon_code' when changing service module row | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2183 | Update phpseclib to latest release | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2186 | When there is 1 sub-nav item under a primary nav link, go directly there | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2188 | Order: Remove slider background gradient from Wizard/AJAX Slider template | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2192 | Update module system to select module row by callback | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2198 | Update select option widths | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2201 | Mass Mailer: Module rows missing from module filter option | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2202 | Update WYSIWYG (CKEditor) to latest version | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2207 | Create MetaItemPrice to extend ItemPrice from blesta/pricing | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2208 | Interworx: API protocol defaults to use SSL when option is unchecked | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2210 | It's possible to pay a voided invoice through the email payment link | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2211 | Update ItemPrice library | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2213 | Order: Addition of IP Address only set on upgrade | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2215 | User login logs should indicate whether login was a success or failure | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2220 | Multicraft: Dedicated IPs are still marked "in-use" after service cancellation | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2221 | Deleting a pending service as a client may make a module cancel request | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2237 | Successfully suspended services may result in an error email sent to staff | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2244 | cPanel: When creating a package the cPanel package selector may not render | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-261 | Allow modules to pre-set package welcome email content. | Cody Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1780 | User login logs should indicate a failure when logging into the wrong company | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1879 | SupportManager: Missing error language definition when deleting a category | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1898 | Missing language definition when adding an API user | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1976 | Update color scheme style for look and feel in admin area | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1977 | Increase admin area core font sizes | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1978 | Remove white space on ends of search criteria | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2006 | Remove box shadow from expand area content | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2011 | Order: Standard cart template does not end widget | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2016 | Order: Don't show the quantity when the quantity is 1 | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2050 | The top border on the client login box is missing | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2095 | Disallow staff from deactivating themselves | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2097 | cPanel: Using a server group on the package may fail to retrieve a module row | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2102 | Payment Approved email templates use incorrect company name tag | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2104 | Changing country to one with no states uses the old state | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2107 | Allow admins to update a contact's title | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2159 | Remove description shown on service term upgrades | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2177 | LogicBoxes: Not setting phone number | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2190 | When editing an invoice, indicate which line items are attached to a service | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2197 | Mass Mailer: Put client filtering multi-select options in a 4 column row | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2203 | When editing an invoice with notes, show notes section expanded | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1865 | Warning message displays encoded HTML | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1868 | Reassign Pricing: Typo in language definition | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-1940 | Slightly reduce the footer padding | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2093 | Permissions error language definition may be blank | Tyson Phillips | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2145 | Make invoice due dates in the past red | Jonathan Reissmueller | Closed |
 |  | CORE-2148 | Update staff search dropdown menu styles | Tyson Phillips | Closed |